The role of e-commerce in the insurance industry and its impacts on consumer rights (In the case of the National Insurance Company study)

The role of e-commerce in the insurance industry and its impacts on consumer rights (In the case of the National Insurance Company study)


  • Salem Mohammed Aboud
  • Faiza Abdul Karim Mohammed


insurance, consumer rights, electronic commerce, electronic shopping.


The e-commerce is one of the best achievements of the twentieth century, since the conduct commercial transactions via the Internet may be the consumer easy selection process and purchase convenient manner different from traditional methods, and with the beginnings of the new millennium impose the emergence of e-commerce term significant challenges to the insurance industry as an important economic sectors Generally, and insurance companies in particular as a result of scientific development, which has led to a reduction in costs and innovation in the production, which led to intense competition on both levels local or global. The insurance industry is a vital part of the economy and it has a varied impact to the community and individuals, therein lies the problem of lack of research in e-commerce adoption of the insurance market, which impact on a lot of competitive advantages as well as beneficiaries and Consumer Rights Protection Service. And to the importance of this subject and the novelty of this study is to shed light on the e-commerce and the possibility of their application in the insurance industry and development in order to raise the level of performance in all its activities to keep pace with modern developments so as to enhance the protection of consumer rights and gain customer satisfaction.. has been selected the national insurance company being one of the companies ancient and that have the potential physical and human can contribute use of e-commerce.


Author Biographies

  • Salem Mohammed Aboud

    Center for Market Research and Consumer Protection
    University of Baghdad

  • Faiza Abdul Karim Mohammed

    presidency of the University of Baghdad



How to Cite

The role of e-commerce in the insurance industry and its impacts on consumer rights (In the case of the National Insurance Company study): The role of e-commerce in the insurance industry and its impacts on consumer rights (In the case of the National Insurance Company study). (2015). Iraqi Journal of Market Research and Consumer Protection, 7(2), 238-270.